Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 8

I feel like I'm learning so much! God is growing me in ways that I may not even recognize right away. Since yesterday I've been pondering the question, "Am I obeying God for the blessings, or am I obeying Him BECAUSE I'm blessed??" I find that it can be a hard line to distinguish and a very easy one to cross over without ever realizing it.

In my lesson this morning I learned about being "poor in spirit". Basically acknowledging that I have NOTHING to offer to God and without Him I am NOTHING.

Yesterday, after church, MyHero decided to take us all to the mall since there were a couple of things he needed to get. My kids were NOT thrilled and kept complaining that they just wanted to go home. I told them numerous times that they needed to "deny themselves".

"Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23

As I read my lesson this morning and pondered what it means to be "poor in spirit" I thought, "If you are emptied of yourself, then it would be much easier to deny yourself!" As I was typing this out another thought came to me! "As you deny yourself, it is easier to become emptied of yourself!" I think it's going to take some time to wrap my head around all that this implies!

Starting Weight: 173
Current Weight: 165

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