Our elliptical has been having issues with the digital screen and yesterday it totally wigged out. None of the buttons on the touch pad were responding and the SD card that we can plug in to access a pre-programmed workout was not working. Basically all I could monitor was my heart rate, how fast I was going and how long I worked out.
God is SO good though! I posted a plea for another elliptical on a Facebook group I belong to that sells items between friends. Turns out that one of my friends has an elliptical machine that she doesn't use. She has been wanting to get it out of her house for a while now. She offered to give it to me! Praise God!! Oh, and another one of my friends might be wanting to take our crippled elliptical off our hands.
Can't leave out that my daughter told me this morning that I look skinnier! Woohoo! That just made my day!
I don't do this often enough, but I wanted to share something from what I was reading in my quiet time this morning. I'm reading Romans with a group of ladies who post our thoughts on what we are reading in a forum. This morning we are in Romans 12 where Paul talks about being a living sacrifice.
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers (and sisters), in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12:1In the footnotes of my Bible it indicates that the word spiritual in this verse can be replaced with the word reasonable. So this is my reasonable act of worship.
I think that all too often we humans get the wrong idea about what worship is supposed to look like. We think that it involves, things like singing, chanting and swaying until we reach some spiritual state of worshipfulness. While there is a place for singing God's praises in worship, I would like to contend that true worship is much more practical.
It involves setting aside our wishes, desires and even rights in service to others. It involves becoming a living sacrifice. This takes much more humility on our part.
Ok, time to move on, I've been REALLY struggling to get ManBoy to finish this FLVS math course he's been taking. He wants to just accept defeat but I will not allow that. There is too much at stake here. We've been searching the internet for ways to help him understand the concepts. Perhaps there are some free online puzzles that can help. Homeschool math has proved to be a HUGE challenge for us. But with God's help we will get through it!
Congrats on your replacement elliptical. Ellipticals are one of the few exercise machines I can stand to work out on. I wish I had room for one in my house. I DO have one of those little portable stair-steppers, but I don't use it nearly as much as I should. You've inspired me, though. When I can't get out and hike this week, I'm going to do 10-15 minutes at least on the stepper!! Keep up the great work, Dee!! :)
Dee, I'm enjoying reading about your progress. That liquid diet was scary for me to read but I stuck around. LOL - Still reading! I'm really excited to see your progress, and I'm cheering for you!
@ Kerry, the funny thing is that I was able to get my elliptical to work the next day! I guess it got stuck in a program or something. The cool thing is that my friend who didn't have an elliptical got one out of the whole deal!
@ Jennifer, thank you so much! Yes, the liquid diet was scary for me too! I will not be doing that again. I really didn't loose any weight after it was all said and done.
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