Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

I've really stepped up my workouts this past week. I've been doing my EA Sports Active workout (30 mins) and then getting onto my elliptical machine for another 30 mins. My goal is to blast all these extra pounds to oblivion!

Not saying that I look like an athlete while I'm doing these workouts! Far from it! Picture an out of shape, middle aged woman huffing and puffing, barely making it through the workouts. Hopefully, I'm getting stronger though. My clothes are starting to get a bit looser.

My goal is to get in 5 days in a row of 1 hr workouts. Today marked 3 days in a row so I only have 2 more to go!

On the homeschooling front, we are still plugging along. I found out today that there is a new feature on our online curriculum. They have added a scheduler for homeschool parents to use! I'm so excited and can't wait to try it! This is going to make things so much easier for me.


Anonymous said...

So proud of you. Keep pluggin away!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I need all the encouragement I can get!

Honeybee said...

Good for you!
My goal since January is to workout at least 1 hour in a 5 days row, but it's March and I haven't make any accomplishment yet. What keep you going? Maybe I can borrow some of your tips?


Unknown said...

Honeybee, I'm not even sure. Sheer determination? I really want to honor my Lord Jesus Christ with my body. Having told the world what my goal is helps. LOL Nothing like having the rest of the world to hold you accountable!