Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Off to a Great Start! Day 2

I started out my day feasting on the Word. My lesson today was about seeking my fulfillment in Christ rather than food in those times when I'm not really hungry but still find myself reaching for food. Great lesson!

I'm down by 2 lbs since yesterday. Well, I'm not totally sure just how accurate that is. I forgot to weigh myself before I got dressed yesterday. Therefore, yesterday's weight included the weight of my clothes. So I'm probably actually only down 1 lb. It's something though! I have to remember that this is not supposed to be so much about loosing weight as it is about getting my heart back in line with God's.

On the homeschool front, we are plugging along. ManBoy has taken to telling me, "Yes!" when I first get up, anticipating my question, "Did you do school yet??" He's my early riser. Then there's RoboBoy who will sleep past noon if I let him! Forget roadschooling! We need to figure out how to sleep school with him!

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