Wednesday, February 17, 2016

He Keeps His Promises!

Joshua 21:45

Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.

Lord, it is all too easy for me to get discouraged when I can't see progress. Help me to remember that you work things out on your timetable, not mine. Help me to trust that you are at work in my Father-in-law's heart.

Lord, I so desperately want him to know you so he can go to heaven. Let me be a light shining into his darkness. Let me be Jesus for him, even though he won't let me talk about "religion."

 In Jesus' name, amen. <3

God is: the ultimate promise keeper
I am: a recipient of his many promises
My purpose is: to be/show Jesus to a dark and dying world.

Proverbs 15:1
A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1

2 Timothy 4:5
But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.
2 Timothy 4:5

Psalm 37:3-5
Trust in the LORD and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the LORD,
and he will give you your heart's desires.
Commit everything you do to the LORD.
Trust him, and he will help you.
Psalm 37:3-5

Psalm 90:17
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17

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